29th + 30th June 2012 / 20.00


Texts by the writer Marina Wainer build the source and context of this choreography. Together with five dancers Daniel Abreu explores moments, in which the human psyche connects with the animal instinct, creating a distinct universe. There, landscape defies the laws of gravity and a connection to the environment seems only possible, when socially conditioned movements are dissolved in favor of inwardness. In Animal, which is affected by soft tender brutality, silent beauty and a sense of humor, the dancers are placed into a flood of pictures and scenes where they fight, love, or reject each other.

"A very precise elaborated choreography in overlapping narrative levels and with dancers who go to their boundaries of interpretation. Animal is a very dense dance work with moments of great beauty. "

Journal Artez


Daniel Abreu is in 2012 our "Emerging Choreographer". As part of this series that presents promising young choreographers, there are in addition to the performances, a company workshop, an exhibition of photographs of his work and a talk with the audience. The oeuvre of  Cìa.Daniel Abreu, that was founded in 2004 includes over 30 productions that tour regularly in Spain and have been shown in Denmark, Brazil, Germany, Portugal, Poland, Croatia, England and Central America.


Direction and Choreography Daniel Abreu Dance Daniel Abreu, Anuska Alonso, Alvaro Esteban, Alvaro Frutos, Dácil González Text Marina Wainer Stage Daniel Abreu Light Irene Cantero Assistant Janet Novas Technical Coordination Sergio García


A co-production of Mercat de les Flors and the Auditorio de Tenerife. With the support of "Module Dance" in cooperation with Plezna Izba Maribor (Slovenia) and Station Ziud Tilburg (Netherlands).